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Countess Jezebeth

Therapeutic CBT – Countess Jezebeth

Therapeutic CBT – Countess Jezebeth

Therapeutic CBT – Countess Jezebeth You don’t look so happy to see Me this time. What’s going through your mind? Actually, you know what, I think it’ll be better if I just found out Myself. If I just looked inside your head Myself, we’ll figure it out. The last time you were here, you left […]

Countess Jezebeth – Gym Creep Gets Castrated

Countess Jezebeth – Gym Creep Gets Castrated

Countess Jezebeth – Gym Creep Gets Castrated While I’m minding my business doing My workout, I notice you staring at Me with a boner. I attempt to ignore it until I cant anymore and demand to know what the fuck your deal was. I warn you that I’m going to get you kicked out if […]

Countess Jezebeth – Testicle Torment HD

Countess Jezebeth – Testicle Torment HD

Countess Jezebeth – Testicle Torment HD What is the downfall of every male? Their ego and their balls. So when I change you into something other than a man…a desperate and obedient object, why would you even need balls anymore? The ego of this slave has been destroyed long ago so beating its balls is […]